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WHAG Article on our group!

A group of neighbors from the Historic City Park Neighborhood, are taking a city program very seriously.

The City of Hagerstown has launched “Neighborhood First” groups throughout the city to offer residents a chance to meet, voice concerns and plan social events.

The Historic City Park group meets once a month, plans fun activities and projects. The group has ordered more attractive street sign poles for some side streets and have worked with City Officials to put a safer traffic pattern at the intersection of Summit Avenue and Reynolds Avenue to reduce speeding.

Laurel Kahn, who is the president of the Historic City Park group said the “Neighborhood First” group has allowed her neighbors to make their area a better place to live. “Whether its beautification of the neighborhood or issues about security,” she said. “We discuss issues on a local level and then we vote on them and make changes in our neighborhood to make it better.”

The group is planning a ribbon cutting ceremony for the new street signs, with speakers and a block party on September 27th.
