HAGERSTOWN, Md.— More than 200 people gathered at Hagerstown’s City Park Sunday to try model boat sailing.
“It was beautiful weather,†said Laurel Kahn, founder of Neighborhood First. “We had wonderful wind. It was blue skies. Fluffy, cloudy, white skies. I mean it was just gorgeous.”
The city partnered with Neighborhood First and the American Model Yacht Association to host “Sail the Park,”
an event they hope to hold every year from now on.
Model boat sailors, or skippers, came from Maryland, Virginia, and Pennsylvania to compete in several races throughout the day, using their special remote controlled boats.
“The boats have no propellers and they have no motors,†said Mike Cavanaugh of the White Rose Model Yacht Club. “They operate strictly on sail power.”
The skippers say they want to start a local club in Hagerstown.
“The City Park Lake and Pangborn Lake are just absolutely perfect for remote controlled sail boats,†said Cavanaugh. “So we’re trying to start local interest. We’re hoping that, as a result of this, some people will have caught the bug.”
The event also featured a boat building workshop for children.
“The kids just had a unique experience,†said Amy Riley of Hagerstown Parks and Recreation. “They really felt engaged with the park today. [It’s] just something different that was offered.”
Parks and Recreation and Neighborhood First say the regatta was organized as part of an effort to bring more special events to the city’s parks.