(301) 739-8577

Historic City Park Neighborhoods 1st Bi-Laws


The name of the group shall be Historic City Park Neighborhoods 1st.


The purpose of the group shall be to promote a better neighborhood and community through group action.


Any person who resides in the area between Key Street and Memorial Boulevard to Union Place and W. Howard Street and from Chestnut Street to Highland Avenue and Highland Way and the area encompassed to the west of the City Park is eligible for membership. Membership is also eligible to property owners, business owners, churches and non-profit organizations located in this area.


The officers shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary/ Treasurer, who shall be elected in October of each year. The term of office shall be one year.

Executive Committee:

The officers and committee chairpersons shall constitute the Executive Committee and may act for the group between meetings.


Regular meetings will be held on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM at the Emmanuel United Methodist Church.


Minutes will be kept of all official board, committee and general membership meetings. One copy will be maintained by the group and one copy filed with the City of Hagerstown.


A minimum of seven members must be present to conduct official business.


The bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting. Two thirds (2/3) of those members in attendance approve the amendment.

Adopted September 9, 2009