(301) 739-8577

The City of Hagerstown has approved a dog park to be built in Fairgrounds Park, due to open on June 29, 2013. Although the City is providing funding for the park, additional funding will be necessary to ensure the park receives all the planned amenities such as benches, lighting and security cameras.

The Dog Park Task Force presented a plan for the dog park to be divided in two sections providing large and small dogs with their own play areas. Features within the park include a 6’ fence around the perimeter, a double-fenced main entry vestibule for each section, dual-species water fountains, dog-waste stations, trees
and vegetative screening.

This dog park will be an ideal dog-friendly setting for the community to get to know each other and meet other dogs. It will be a safe, open area for dogs to
exercise and socialize off-leash. In addition, dog owners will have the opportunity to socialize with each other and share valuable tips pertaining to their dogs. There are many ways that you can contribute to the new dog park in Hagerstown. Designated gifts, with a specific donation amount, will grant the opportunity
to purchase a specific item for the park with a commemorative plaque. Undesignated gifts will be recognized by donation amount.



No matter what size gift you can make, all funds will help make this dog park successful. Please consider making a donation today!

Download the dog park fundraising form here – DogParkFundraising.pdf